The structure of the song is very polished. I admire the whole evolution of it and the balance was ok. Not the best I've heard from you, but still good.
Here's my section-by-section opinion:
start-1:30 - That hammond organ seems out of place, imo. It just seems to completely remove the dramatic feel.
1:27 - The violin staccatos are too slow and seem to drag a bit. Either you lower their attack or shift them a bit sooner in time so that the attack will reach its peak sooner and sound sharper.
2:02 - The bass in this particular piece seems less sharp, which is a shame because it contributes in "dragging" the sharp staccatos of the choir, and violin. The drum pattern is polished and helps maintain "precision".
2:56 - The brass instrument is not very convincing (which is pretty normal since there are few good plugins, which cost a shit-load too, that manage to emulate a good brass). I might even dare say that it gets really annoying during the high notes. There's little you can do there: either change brass sample or find something that emulates it without the distorted highs that make it sound like a detuned instrument.
3:24 - very slick transition. My lacking knowledge in musical theory would've trapped me in the previous melody for all eternity, so this was just a great transition for me.
During 4:45 I believe that the piano is getting over-powered by the rest of the song. Some mixing is required. The bass is simply drowning it. However, I like the harp in there (I appreciate its subtleness).
5:13 - Here comes your trade-mark badass distorded guitar and bass duo again. It sound good and I'm digging that almost mid-oriental string 5:43. Very nice and original. (the hammond organ doesn't disturb me as much as before. Probably because it isn't the primary instrument in there)
5:55 - I didn't really like the strange transition of the melody into something almost irish-like.
6:22 - I understood that you were making a melody transition, but I didn't really like the path you took. It felt odd.
7:03 - end : Sort of bland and repetitive. I
I have to hand it to you. I heard the entire 7:51 minutes. That is a damn long track and you managed to give it an impressive amount of variation. I can barely imagine the work behind it, seriously.
It truly hurts me to give you an 8/10, but I'm basing it on some segments that were unpleasant, one segment that had a mixing "mistake" (the overpowered bass in the harp section) and some repetitive sections (not really a fault if this is supposed to be a game's soundtrack, am I right?).
Nice job overall and keep up the good work.