Ah crap... my NES just died
Yup, I'm using headphones, and it sounds... strange ^__^.
The title says it all. It feels as if my NES got an epileptic attack while playing Super Mario... and then died. ^__^
Either that or Mario's on LSD, lol.
Ah crap... my NES just died
Yup, I'm using headphones, and it sounds... strange ^__^.
The title says it all. It feels as if my NES got an epileptic attack while playing Super Mario... and then died. ^__^
Either that or Mario's on LSD, lol.
That actually made me laugh pretty hard, I can totally see that too.
Poor NES :(. Mario had a good time though :).
Listen to that thumping O__O. Sweet.
After listening to your song a many times I had a different vision from what you wrote in the author comments:
Some guy wakes up in a white padded room and notices with his blurred vision strange creatures looking at him from an adjacent room. A door opens from out of nowhere and the freaked out guy rushes out. After walking through a maze of seemingly endless hallways he ends up in front of a hive-like structure with an infinite number of other padded rooms and floating robotic vehicles extrancting other specimen like himself as if they were lab-rats. The man hides and tries to understand what's happening... how did he get there? Where is he? Who is he?... All of a sudden, he wakes up from his nightmare... only to find himself in the same white padded room.
Very nice. Perhaps a bit too silent at certain points, but it was a good way in giving me that "desolation-in-a-closed-space" kind of feeling.
Nice one Aaron.
P.S. What does the title stand for?
I like your vision, I can see it pretty vividly.
Matches the song perfectly.
The song was originally called FIrefly Catu, then I shortened it to Catu.
The word Catu came from a dyslexic moment I had reading the work "Talk."
So I thought: Firefly Talk... But Firefly just sounded a little to upbeat for the feel of the song.
So it's just Talk. :D
Man, you always come up with interesting structures. You seem to start off in a way that the listener can't truly decipher where you're getting at, but then get's pleasantly rewarded. Truly something to learn from.
The bassy synth, arpeggiated synth and beat sounded great combined. Especially the beat... it felt so rich.
However, I have to be honest with you... after a while it felt repetitive (even though you modified the arpegiated synth's melody a tad, but it still felt the same).
Can't wait to check your newer stuff.
Ha ha
Very light hearted. Liked the melody and the cut-off.
The only thing that I didn't like were the hats... way too loud.
Anyway, nice one ^__^.
I can definitely "see" the scene in the first part (from what I manage to remember from the movie).
This is definitely an amazing "flying over an epic landscape" kind of soundtrack (or even a "rushing to battle" scene).
Sweet mastering. Nothing was overpowered or covering the other instruments.
The drums (great depth), violins and brass instruments (and "warcries"... nice ^__^) are perfect. I'm not too fond of the chorus, though... but that's probably just me. You managed to make everything sound so realistic, but the chorus broke that feel a bit. I'm not trying to be an ass, I promise, it's just that you did such an excellent job... If you would've had even better sources who knows what would've happened.
Anyway, bravo. Fav'd, 10'd, 5'd. If I'd be good in flash I'd make an animation with this.
After I've gotten some "distance" to the track I actually agree about the choirs - It's one of those details you don't always hear at first. After listening more closely I've decided to remove the first time the choirs come in and generally lower the volume. Thanks for taking a note of it ;-)
Otherwise, thanks a lot for the kind words! :-) Makes the effort worth it
Unlike the "useful" review sossu wrote, I actually found it nice overall but, If you don't mind, I'd like to give you some suggestions.
The melody in 0:55-2:21 that becomes progressively more high pitched sounds pretty good (the best part of your song, IMO), but I'd suggest slightly changing the melody as the song progresses and introduce maybe a saw synth with a similar melody that fades-in while this "blippy" sound fades-out. Perhaps you should also add some reeverb to that "blippy" sound as well, but I'm not too sure about that.
The overall beat is too silent. I'd suggest giving it some more "clarity" by using either Soundgoodizer or Maximus (they're both present in FL Studio 8... demo as well). Soundgoodizer does everything for you, but don't overuse it.
Make a better transition from 0:33-0:34. It was a bit too abrupt. It almost seemed as if the part before and the part after were two separate things.
That's all I can come up with right now. Hope it helps.
Anyway, I found your song to have some good potential. So good job ^__^.
Thank you much. to be honest I'm not quiet aware of much of any of the finer workings of the program. Soundgoogizer, blood overdrive, and etc. I'm not too well at understanding, nor using. but still I definitely appreciate the tips! ^_^ thanks!
This should belong in more than just a menu loop, imo: It should be in some kind of solemn/sad scene where a main character enters a sanctuary inside a cave or something. An important scene of a serious flash.
Too bad it's so short... your music leaves me craving for more.
How delightful
This is the second song I'm listening to and I must say that your composition is ear-candy. The looping is hardly noticeable and the music is so soothing that I could listen to this over and over again.
The only part that I didn't like was the 1:05-1:07, but that's just me being picky (...not that I can do any better, that's for sure).
Very nice, I love it.
I like it ^__^
The melody is very soothing. I really appreciate the way it's structured, however it's a shame that it's so short.
I'd humbly suggest adding "western" strings in the background. That would make this even more appeasing to the ear.
Anyway good job!
P.S. I don't understand the 2.09/5.00 score!! A worthy boost is necessary.
top marks for original sounds
This sounds overall mind-blowing!
The beat is sweet, the rhythm is great the effects are fresh and captivating.
However, I think Sacrafan's right about the grainy sound... you should work on fixing that, imo: Perhaps you exceeded with the resonance?
... man... relistening to this is awesome, though. This song truly captures my attention from the 1st second.
Fantastic job man. The way you've improved since the first time I've heard your stuff is scaring the shit out of me, lol ^__^.
You heard my stuff right back in the into unknown territory days right?
anyway. This I believe was a nice jump back into my old style, in the old days but with more skill in the making, if that makes sense.
Blurb about me.
Joined on 2/2/09