Soundin' good ^__^
I'm curious to hear the complete version.
I can't help you out with ideas, though (my creativity is brain dead for weeks now X___x).
Keep it up.
Soundin' good ^__^
I'm curious to hear the complete version.
I can't help you out with ideas, though (my creativity is brain dead for weeks now X___x).
Keep it up.
i just got back from being brain-dead lol
Yeah...'s less inspiring compared to the more recent songs I heard from you.
Anyway, lol... I certainly didn't expect this kind of happy mood after reading the "Your Suicide Theme". Just picturing some scene with a guy cutting his wrist with this music sounds psychotic ^__^. Perfect contrasts if you ask me.
maybe like his way out is a good thing, and the best thing for everyone. Sick and sad to me, but a % of people could relate to that moment as being positive, things can get pretty bad i hear. All good here though, hopefully there.
Can't believe it...
No one voted... that's pretty stupid. Especially since it's pretty good. Perhaps that synth in the background was a bit silent, but it were excellent at giving your song a mood.
I can't really put my finger on what mood it makes me feel. It reminds me of... incense, lava lamps and bean-bags for some strange reason. It's half-way between hypnotic and relaxing I guess.
This is the second song I hear from you and must say that I love your beats. The melodies are simple and welcoming to ear. Great job once more ^__^.
ty so much for an in depth review, it actually made me sit here and re-evaluate this song in a whole different lens. Thanks for that, first time this scenario described above has happened. It means a lot.
Must agree...
with what you said. It's a simple yet VERY effective loop, in my opinion. It's not boring at all and those trumpet stabs with delay are a nice touch. It also loops pretty well.
Very good job man ^__^. If I were a flash-programmer I'd surely use it in my game.
4.5/5=> 5/5
you say all the things that this is and was supposed to be. Thanks for agreeing! Could go with a quarky side-scroll shooter or something.
I've only heard this song and "Forever Today RMX" and must say... wow. The fluidity of the structure... the crystal clear sounds... those synths and pads... all excellent.
Then, when I looked around in your profile, I read the comment "I'm an FL Core kinda guy"... FL Core? Are you kidding me?! I'm pretty sure the synths I heard weren't familiar... were they all made from scratch? Damn...
I'm a humble FL8 user and hearing these songs makes me just wonder if I'll ever reach such levels one day.
Would you mind answering one question? Did you learn all this through practice alone or is there a particular source of information that helped you become what you are now?
Anyway, superb job.
Thank you so much!
I actually learned all this in time, I've been using FL since 2006, so I just kept learning new things as I used it.
And yes, the synths are all made from scratch using 3xOsc. :3 (minus the Piano).
Thanks again!
The first stages of a life-form...
Like some of your other songs, this one has that "biological-mechanical" feel to it... some primitive group of organisms that work together in pre-established patterns. I really have no clue how I could describe it otherwise.
This song, for example, makes me think of microorganisms working together to create a larger lifeform... The dividing of the human egg? Something like that. Something is slowly gaining complexity and harmony. Towards 1:50 (when the beat stops for a while) it seems as if this slowly developing lifeform is taking a short break before it continues to grow.
I really appreciated the panning hats. They were just all over the place (would this be fantastic with surround sound support? definitely ^__^). The beat was definitely the protagonist, but the melody and pads were essential in creating that biological feel.
Very nice. Perhaps I expected some more variation/complexity after the <1:50-2:30> interlude but apart from that fantastic... true chill music.
4.5/5 => 5/5
Thank you! I really enjoy reading your reviews, because you give great perspective, and great imagery. I can see what you mean, and as Mitrox had said below, the song has kind of a settled feeling... It's like the micro-organisms are just calmly going about their work of creating life. Yeah, and I can see what you mean about the part after 1:50, I thought about it and wanted to add more, but I just never really got around to it. I think a bit more variation with the melody would help the overall feeling of the song. Also it would make your image seem even more valid, since as the organisms would go about creating life, and it would be more and more complex as they got farther a long in their progress.
Anyways, thank you again my friend!
It has potential alright ^__^
There you go. Making a full song instead of a loop is a better training and you've proven that you're good at it as well ^__^. The pause/piano-interlude was nice.
If you can, you should change the drum presets since the beat doesn't sound perfect (the rhythm is good, but it's the sound that isn't the best).
Apart from that. Great job, keep on practicing man ^__^.
4.5/5 =>5/5
Sports anthem it is ^__^
I can feel the pride and pure-win in this song ^___^.
This song makes me feel like watching (or even be part of... lol) the olympics.
That electric guitar was well made (ESPECIALLY the delay).
Good job.
P.S. I'm sorry that the CBC challenge completely snobbed this song :o(.
I actually didn't use delay on this (it's FL Slayer); when I tried it with the FX toolbox it would just give me a ton of feedback and twanginess... not good. So I actually just made a second channel (copied) and used Fruity Flanger on it, then offset it with the other one... it took a LOT of work to get it right.
And yeah, gettin no votes from anyone on CBC's website was kind of a slap in the face after all that work -- especially for just 1:30 of music.
Oh yeah ^___^
Very nice.
Perhaps the bass should be a bit louder, but for the rest I personally have nothing much to say. I disagree a bit with what Nessbeatsfox said. I had no impression that the drums were going to kick the song off (I actually found it to be a good way to put them in). Those guitar solos were great.
However, this song is either in desperate need of a singer or of a main melody that acts as a "protagonist" (sorry, I'm no expert so I don't know the correct terminology... I hope you understand what I mean). For now it doesn't feel perfect yet, but I'm sure that you're more than capable of completing it.
Anyway, very good music once more from you. Great to have your good music back ^__^.
4.5/5 => 5/5
Just a suggestion. Since, 99% of the people who submit music here in NG use FL you should avoid using its source wav files since many others have already walked through that path, making this sound unoriginal :o(.
One more thing... You should've specified that you used that wav file in the author comments, for fairness' sake. The other comments are the perfect example of what I'm talking about.
Don't get me wrong, the music fits well, has an awesome rythm and it sounds pretty pro, but the real protagonist in this song are the lyrics.
I Hope I won't be such a bitch in your next submissions.
Hi there, how are you?
Thanks for your comment,
Yes, I have answered about that, and believe me, I really forgot to clarify it, I was kind of absent-minded, until I start to check and read the comments I notice that. So I apologize about this again.
Don't worry, to tell the truth this is the first time I took something like lyrics that comes along with FL, and the first time that I forgot to say that aren't mine xD, I was just making random stuff with it. and I really don't like the song, but it is like sticky so that's why I decided to upload it. But like I said, I was absent-minded.
But, thanks for your comment again...
Blurb about me.
Joined on 2/2/09