Why the low score?!
This is definitely nice and deserves an average of 4/5 or above. It's bullshit that music like this gets a 3.32. Seriously.
Anyway, I must say that this was excellent. I just LOVED the combination of the two guitars at around 1:00. The drums did their job very nicely. The whole structure was a pleasure to the ears... very good. There wasn't even a second that made me dislike this piece.
The conclusion was a soothing surprise that made me want MOAR. Honestly, it would've been an awesome build-up to a totally different tune with the guitar. I'd have a bunch of ideas, but I'm not sure they'd fit with your kickass guitar.
The only flaw (if I'd dare call it that way) was that the volume was too low, but that means absolutely nothing (just turn up the volume... duh). I'm just saying it as a tip since usually some idiots tend to dislike a piece because "it isn't loud enough"... go figure.
Anyway, EXCELLENT job. I wish I had a much higher level so I would outweigh the 3's they gave you.